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It's been...

I haven't written in here in nearly two years. Way to go! This week, we celebrated our sweet 16 - 16 years since buying this house. An unbelievable milestone. Especially since I still low-key feel 16 sometimes, so I definitely cannot be old enough to have done anything for 16 years. Certainly not own a house. What a grown up thing to do. WEIRD.  *sigh So, anyway. Like everyone else, my life has been extra lifey. The last couple years forced me to take stock of everything, reevaluate my priorities, and change some things. Unfortunately, writing fell by the wayside.  It has been hard in a lot of ways, but breathtakingly beautiful in so many others.  16 days after my last blog post, my husband's dad died. He was beloved grandpapa and father in law. I wrote about it on my other (equally neglected) blog. In March of 2020, my mom (who had been paralyzed in a car crash late in 2017) got an infection and went into septic shock. She transferred to the ER, and none of us knew if she was

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